Setting Time Limit For Tasks.. the way to set the rhythm of your day

Time mamagement
Personal development - self development

If you find yourself at the end of the day sad because you haven't done everything you planned to do, the solution is to set a time limit for your tasks; Not only does this method make you faster in doing what you have to do, but it also ensures that you can work in many tasks, go to different areas, and succeed in all of them.

It does not mean that you want to visit family and friends that you neglect, for example, reading books or playing sports, and it does not mean that job tasks are piling up on your shoulders, but you have to do all of this together, but how? The only way is to set a time limit for tasks.

Suppose, for example, that you have 10 tasks in a day that you have to complete. Do you really accomplish them by the end of the day? Are you doing it properly? These questions take you from your corner to the imperative of setting a time limit for tasks.

If you allocate a specific amount of time to each of these ten tasks—which is up to you and your goals in life; Some tasks take an hour and some only take a few minutes - you'll find that you are able to finish them in the exact time you set.

This is not because some magic has occurred, nor because you have suddenly become other than the person you are, but simply because you have focused at a time, and strive to become more effective.

Discipline, focus and avoid distractions

Setting a time limit for tasks requires a good amount of commitment, self-control and focus, and a person usually cannot do this at once, but rather it is necessary to practice and insist on applying this important orientation in work and life.

Shortcut and setting a time limit for tasks

Time expands, it is true, but it is finite and non-renewable. What passes from it will not return; So as long as you want to be more effective and efficient, you are forced to cut short the time you spend on each of the tasks.

If, for example, you take a fifteen-minute shower in the morning before going to work, you should reduce that time to only ten minutes, and you will eventually find that you shower more quickly and effectively, and you will gain five minutes at the same time.

Setting a time limit for tasks teaches you the shortcut, and this shortcut will save you time that can be used for serious practice and activities.

But there is another way to pay attention to it. When you can take a secondary task on the sidelines of another primary task, do it, or do a secondary task on your way to another task.

For example, you can use your commute time to read, recite poems that you love, or even communicate with friends, or with whom you want to communicate. Setting a time limit for tasks teaches you to pay attention to every minute of your day, so your life will be richer, more blessed than life.

The most important tasks

Setting a time limit for tasks gives you a very valuable opportunity; It enables you to distinguish between tasks, and standardize them on the basis of what is important and what is most important, and you will even arrange these tasks in terms of their degree of importance.

When you do, you will be able to get down to the most important task at your own convenience; If you are one of the people whose focus is in the early morning, you will do the most important task at this time.

In addition, doing secondary tasks, which are many in number, but of little value - such as shopping, for example - empties your mind for the most important and most useful, and all of this is nothing but simple manifestations to set a time limit for tasks, and you will see for yourself the importance of this when you try it.

writer: Alaaeldin Mohamed

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