Is It Permissible to Celebrate Mother's Day in Islam?


What is the ruling on celebrating Mother's Day?

Answer: All the feasts that contradict the religious of Islam’s feasts are all feasts of heresy that were not known during the era of the righteous predecessors, and the probably made by non-Muslims as well, along with the heresy, are similar to the enemies of God(Allah) Almighty.

The legal festivals are known to All Muslims, namely Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, there are no feasts in Islam except for these two holidays, and all festivals that result in anything other than that are rejected to its maker.

Mother's Day

Meaning a response to it that is not acceptable to God, and in the wording If this becomes clear, then it is not permissible on the holiday mentioned in the question and called Mother's Day, and it is not permissible to introduce any of the rituals of the holiday on such day. Such as joy and happiness, giving gifts etc. A Muslim should be proud of his religion and live his life according to what God Almighty and His Messenger have prescribed in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

May Allah bless our prophet and grant him peace, he has determined in this religion the values ​​that God Almighty has accepted for his servants, so that no one add or omit something. a Muslim should not be a flunkey who follows every fool. Rather, his character should be in accordance with the rules of God Almighty so that he is followed and not a follower, and so that he is a role-model, not a follower, because Islam is perfect in all respects, as Allah Almighty said: "This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion". (Ayah al-Ma`idah, 5:3).


The mother is more entitled to be celebrated for one day in the year. Rather, the mother has the right over her children to take care of her, to take care of her, and to obey her without disobeying God Almighty at every time and place.

What matters now - to warn that these days and similar are heresy, days such as “Mother’s Day” or “Family Day,” which is the day that Christians invented in honor - as they claim - to the mother. Gifts and kind messages. When the day ends, things will return normal, children will return to their disobedience and ignorance to their mothers again.

The strange thing is that some Muslims need such an analogy, and God Almighty has commanded the righteousness of the mother and forbid them to disobey her, and has made the reward for that of the highest degree.

And we can notice that feast as becoming more and more in Muslims because of their following to the western world, as they celebrate many so many feasts such as

"Feast of the Tree", "Labor Day", "Sitting Day" and "Birthday" ... and so on in a long list, and all of this is from the followers of the Jews, Christians and polytheists, and there is no origin for these feasts in religion of Islam. And there is feast in Islam except Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr


Sharia (Islamic law) has come to honor the mother and incite her righteousness at all times. The duty of Muslims is to be satisfied with what God has prescribed for them from the righteousness of the mother, glorifying her and be kind to her, listening to her at all times, and beware of heresy that God has warned them about and which lead them to become similar the enemies of God, approving the heresy that they have approved, and this is not specific to the mother. Rather, God has prescribed to Muslims the righteousness of parents, honoring them, benevolence to them and in all kinship, and Almighty God warned against disobedience and estrangement, and singled out the mother with more care and righteousness. Because taking care of the child is more difficult than breastfeed and raising him.

Mother's Day
Hadith about mother in Islam


video source:

Huda TV YouTube channel.


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