Electric Vehicles Will Become Cheaper Than Conventional Vehicles At This Time


The price of an electric sedan in 2026 will become equivalent to the price of conventional vehicle 

Manufacturing electric vehicles and trucks will cost less than manufacturing fossil fuel vehicles starting from 2025, 2026 or 2027, depending on their category, and this may represent 100% of new vehicle sales in the European Union by 2035, according to a study by BNEF.


Electric Vehicle
 Electric Vehicle

Electric sedans vehicles will be inexpensive like vehicles that run on gasoline starting from 2026, and small cars will follow in 2027. According to the Transport and Environment (NGO).


According to these projections, the production of light models for trucks will be cheaper from 2025 and heavy models from 2026. As a result, cars will be cheaper to buy on average, excluding fuel savings.

Thus, the pre-tax price of the electric sedan vehicle in 2026 will be about 40,000 euros for the electric version in 2020, compared to the price of a hat car, about 20,000 euros. 

According to the study, the reduction in production costs is "due to the low cost of batteries as well as the establishment of special production chains for electric vehicles." Based on the stagnation, battery-powered vehicles which will represent 50% of new car sales in Europe by 2030 and 85% by 2035.

By 2035 it is expected that electronic vehicles will represent up to 100% of new vehicle sales, provided that legislators tighten standards related to carbon dioxide for vehicles and launch other policies to promote the market, such as faster deployment of shipping points, according to the organization.


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