Does being rich make you happy?


Does being rich make you happy?


Happiness does not come from by becoming rich, but from the success, satisfaction and having goal in life. 

One step towards everyone is to create your own happiness. There are many ways we can make ourselves happy. One of the best ways to bring happiness to others like you.

 Helping others is not only good for them, but good for them. We are happy and healthy. Giving helps us connect with others, create a stronger community and create a happier society for all. 

And it's not just money. We can also give time, thoughts and energy.

2. Being with our loved ones, fitting in with your mother, father, wife or children and talking to them will make you think positively and not stress you out for any reason. You can release a lot of tension that disturbs you. 

3. Exercise Sports, one of the reasons that exercise makes you happy is your body's endorphins, these endorphins interact with receptors in your brain that reduce the perception of pain I do. Endorphins, like morphine, also produce positive emotions in the body.

 4. Getting good practice is not just about practices. Over time they become stronger and more automated. So make sure you have the right one! Practices are very powerful as they create neurological cravings. Certain actions are rewarded with the release of "Happiness."


as a proof the example bellow shows kids playing in a mud, the kids looks poor and the place looks dirty for a lot of people specially those who called "high class" of the modern society but when you watch this movie you will feel the real happiness of those kids you will also start feeling the same thing (happy).


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