Half knowledge is worse than ignorance


Half knowledge is worse than ignorance

The main reason behind this danger is that when you have some knowledge on the matter, you could feel overly confident and because you don’t know it all, you will be prone to making a mistake. So, if you know nothing about the matter, you will not involve yourself in any way and thus you will not make a mistake. That’s why half knowledge is worse than no ignorance.

Half knowledge

I remember a quote a I read a few days ago, the quote stated "If you believe everything you read, better not read".
Half knowledge can be dangerous, depending on the person holding this knowledge.. Some people can be modest and accept that they don’t know much, others may think they know and act upon incomplete information and the main problem.

Half knowledge becomes more dangerous, when you assume that you know enough to take an important decision while in fact you only know few things which may not be enough for taking such decision. As long as you are true to yourself and conscious that what you know is only one perspective and you always need to know more, there is no worry. But when you act, or forced to act, basing on only half of what you know, you are in for some serious trouble.

It is akin to exploring a cave, where you only know how to enter it, but have no idea how to get out of it. Now here, as long as you explore the cave to the extent you know about it, where you really do not have to search for an exit route, there is no issue. But when you go deeper into the caves, and you reach a point, where you really do not know how to come out of it, your half knowledge is proving to be fatal.

The key here is to know how much knowledge you have, to what extent you can pitch in. We often, get carried away by the false praises of people around us specially family and friends, about how intelligent or knowledgeable we are, and begin to believe we actually know it fully.


You are trying to show off your swimming skills, by going deep into the sea, while, you have no idea how deep the swimming is, let’s think about it for a while how dangerous this can be.

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