IOS Users Will Not Be Able To Use Facebook And Instagram For Free Without Enabling This Feature



As a way to convince users to enable tracking across apps and other sites, Facebook is publishing a request to users that they should enable transparency tracking as part of the app tracking transparency framework in iOS 14.5 if they want help and keep Facebook and Instagram free.

App tracking transparency is the latest privacy feature that comes to iPhones and iPads as part of the iOS 14.5 update. With the new update, apps are now required to show users a request for their consent before tracking them through other apps and websites.

As is well known, a large part of Facebook's business depends on selling ads through its applications and services. Small businesses, for example, can use Facebook Ads activity to target ads to specific customers or demographics. However, if users on iOS 14.5 decide to opt out of tracking, Facebook may have less data to serve those personalized ads to users.


Since the update was released, every day more apps start showing users a trace transparency window. Facebook had previously given a glimpse of what the claim would look like, and now, with the release of the update, it is slowly starting to roll it out to users, and Facebook has updated its window to include “Help keep Facebook free”.


Facebook calls this illustrative screen whose role is to help people decide how to use their information for the application, but this time it came with a clear message that it says you are an iOS 14.5 user, you should enable tracking in order to get personalized ads for you as well as who In order to keep Facebook / Instagram free. As the following picture:

Facebook will put the claim to more users in the coming days and weeks, so not everyone will see it immediately, meaning that it is more like an implicit threat that Facebook gradually publishes, hoping to frighten as many users as possible, so they do the tracking option.

But it is difficult and almost impossible for Facebook to convert services into paid services, because switching to a paid service means reducing the number of users; If the Do Not Track option makes it less effective for targeting; Converting to paid will completely reduce the number of users and lose them completely.

 It is worth noting that Facebook exploits user data and makes revenues from it, which Statista estimated at an average of $ 32 per user during 2020 only. 

Is it possible that the paid option consists of an alternative?

How much will the paid option be? 1 dollar a month?

Would anyone pay Facebook $ 32 a year in compensation? Will anyone participate in 3 dollars a month, for example, to open Facebook? No way. So, the threat is nothing but to frighten a number of users and make them accept tracking, thus increasing the guaranteed outcome.


Tracking Transparency was released as part of the iOS 14.5 update, which brought other notable features, including the ability to unlock an iPhone using a paired Apple Watch, and other features.


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