What is happening in India? Why people are dying?


What is happening in India?


The number of confirmed deaths due to the Corona virus epidemic around the world has exceeded 3 million, according to the statistics of the American Johns Hopkins University, which specializes in epidemiological monitoring.



The Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the world is close to reaching the highest rate of infection with the virus that has ever been recorded, and that the number of cases and deaths are increasing rapidly and alarmingly.


With the continuation of various genetic mutations around the world, a rapidly spreading Indian mutation of the corona virus has emerged, including the E484Q and L452R mutations in the "S" protein, which allow the virus to attach and enter cells. ۔

The situation in India is stable and appears to be under control, as the number of injuries is relatively low to 11,000 in February compared to the large population, which exceeds 1.3 billion people.


The Indian government believed that it had overcome the virus, and the Minister of Health announced that India is in the (last stage) of the epidemic, and India is exporting vaccines to the world with complete reassurance.


While in secret, the new double viral mutation (E484Q and L452R), the kit coinciding with mass rallies and celebrations such as the Gumba Mela festival, hit hard in April.


Suddenly, the number of casualties exploded with the time bomb, and the daily number of injuries exceeded a quarter of a million cases for three consecutive days, followed by a significant increase in the number of deaths, so that the epidemic curve recorded a frightening rise that exceeds the first wave (attached picture).


Hospitals were full and overcrowded with patients until they were unable to receive new cases, and death became almost everywhere due to the expiration (and interruption) of the hospital’s oxygen stores.


Until the Prime Minister in Delhi, "Arvind Figriwal", went out via direct and urgent television broadcasts requesting the urgent supply of oxygen, what ordered the government to immediately run all the oxygen stations in the country through the army.


Desperate families spread through social media to obtain oxygen, and the spread of corpses and incinerators (picture attached).


India is facing a second wave of the pandemic, during which it recorded the death of 4 minutes in the capital, Delhi, while the health system in the capital itself is collapsing.


Many hospitals in countries with a high population have launched appeals for supplies of oxygen, which heralds a health catastrophe in the country.


The government deployed military planes and trains to bring oxygen from distant parts to Delhi, and television footage showed an oxygen truck arriving at the Batra Hospital in the capital after a distress call, in which it said that it no longer had enough oxygen to supply 260 patients except for 90 minutes.


On Thursday, India surpassed the record number recorded by the United States of America for injuries within one day, which amounted to 297,430 injuries. This made it the global focus of the disease, which began to recede in many other countries.


It is unfortunate that the Swiss health authorities announced yesterday, Saturday, that the country had registered the first case of the mutated Indian version of the virus.


Some people are still wondering about the feasibility of vaccines. Will the world learn the lesson not to underestimate this epidemic ?!

India's Covid-19 crisis




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