What do Muslims do during Ramadan and why?


 What do Muslims do during Ramadan and why?



Ramadan is known as the holy month and it is known for fasting, during this holly month Muslims don’t eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. Fasting during this month(Ramadan) is also one of the five pillars of Islam.

The five pillars of Islam are:

1. Profession of Faith also known as shahada which means bearing witness that there is no god except Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.

2. Prayer

3. Alms (zakat)

4. Fasting (sawm)

5.  Pilgrimage (hajj) the Muslim whose capable to go to Hajj in terms of health and financial capability must make at least once.

“Allah, the Almighty Says in the Noble Quran (what means):

"O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous." [Quran; 2:183]” (islamweb, 24 Apr 2019).


Fasting is meant to remind Muslims of the less fortunate and bring believers closer to God (Allah, in Arabic). During the month, Muslims abstain from such practices as smoking, caffeine, sex and gossip; It is seen as a way to purify oneself physically and spiritually while practicing self-control.

Does every Muslim fast during Ramadan?

According to Muslim scholars, the ill, the elderly, children, travelers, pregnant women, women who are nursing or menstruating are exempt from fasting.

There are other exceptions such as compulsion (someone threatening another to do something).


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