Digital currencies, an economic solution or a nightmare!

Digital currencies, an economic solution or a nightmare!

Nowadays there is no one in this world who is against technological development, except for a small group of people who are ignorant of the conditions of technology and their intrusion into our life to facilitate what is difficult.  But when technology becomes a scarecrow that threatens our intellectual security, we may find an important need to address it even before it occurs.


You may be wondering what is the reason behind this introduction, and here is the news:
 Recently I received a letter from a friend after reading one of the articles, and she stopped me, and even terrified me. The content of the article is as follows:

 Before 2030 .. almost .. You will receive the following message on your phone .. and you must be prepared for it: “Everyone must deposit all cash in banks to convert it into digital currency before the end of this year .. and after this date .. all paper currencies are canceled and not applicable  To act. ”A strong opposition will form from different groups in society to boycott this decision, and many theories will spread to explain the reasons and objectives of this change, and several groups will not deposit their money as a form of opposition, pressure and Stubbornness.

But at the end of the year, when the digital currency is activated as a single currency, they will realize that their money has become worthless, will not be accepted commercially, and that they are bankrupt and cannot buy anything using it.  Then they will demand, in panic, to extend the deposit period for a few weeks, to convert their money into digital currency, and this is what it will happen.

 The first stage is going to be: your salary is yours and you are free to dispose it.  This inevitable transformation is the ultimate goal of most of the world's governments, to monitor and document all financial movements in buying and selling and calculate fees and taxes accurately, without any tax evasion for their citizens and companies.

 The real wealth of everyone will be known to the ruling regimes, and fully documented with all their flows. There is no place to deposit your money except in the digital system that is completely controlled by the government, and the concept of cash will disappear.  And here will begin the features of the new frontiers that it cannot cross, and for which you must prepare from now.

Gradually, after everyone enters this digital lane, colored salaries will emerge as a new concept, and the barter system will be revived as an automatic response.  The concept of colored salaries is based on dividing the net monthly and annual income of individuals and institutions into categories (colors) that are conditional on circulation. The monthly salary will be divided into colors in varying proportions, and each color can be used within a certain framework.

 For example, the first color, and we will choose it here, is white. It is transcontinental, and as a citizen you can buy with it (locally or internationally) goods and services from most countries of the world, and it will be the color of international trade and purchase via the Internet and global platforms.  Followed by the blue color, which is that part of your income that you can only use locally within the borders of the income country to support the local economy, and this color will be a guarantor of the cash flows within the country's economy and the main engine for it.  

Next is the green color, which is that part of your salary that you can spend on specific services or consumables that the state determines for you, so if the month passes and you do not use it, it is not renewed for another month, just as is the case with telecommunications companies and monthly internet packages, so what you do not consume in the same month  , It goes from your balance, and so will be a part of your monthly income!  Brown color, which is a geographically specific color within the borders of an income country to support a specific region, and to ensure that cash flows reach it.

 For example, the state identifies certain tourist, agricultural, or rural pockets in brown, to force all citizens to spend part of their income within them.  Yellow, which is a color specific to a specific category of commerce, restaurants, or entertainment, in which the ruling regimes will impose their spending on their citizens and residents on a monthly basis.  As for the red color, which is a temporary color that appears to support a specific sector or direct a specific policy in a certain period, for example allocating part of the citizen or companies' income to support government activities or clubs or launching a new service, for example at a time of recession, or as an encouragement for that government initiative that aims  In the end, it is to reprogram the human mind to be obedient to the hand of those governments and regimes, obeying their instructions, and blindly submissive behind all their plans. 
The second stage: your salary is yours and you are free to dispose of it, within specific options from the state.

The simplified translation of the colored salaries is that your monthly salary is equivalent to a thousand digital dollars, for example, there will be 300 white dollars, 300 blue dollars, 200 green dollars, 100 brown dollars, and 100 yellow dollars.  
The red dollar that appears in certain seasons will remain to achieve certain policies.  The systems of the countries will have an argument and tools to control citizens, visitors, residents, tourists and others, by controlling their monthly income.  This is forbidden and rewarded based on their obedience to the laws and their acceptance of the new world order.  The strict digital control of monetary circulation within the country and across continents will pose a threat to the continued income of some countries, organizations and groups that are blacklisted in the international community.

 The "age of cache" has ended even at the level of the individual desiring to support a specific association or organization, and the oldest trading system known to mankind, "barter", will pop up!  "Commit, or your cash flow will be blocked, with the push of a button!"  Anyone who wants to tweet outside of this digital system will be forced to do so by bartering commodity for good and service for service, and this will not be done easily.

 Now, after reading the above, I definitely got scared like me the first time, but I am here to reassure you that I did not buy from this talk that was sold and promoted, and I can say with satisfaction that it was nothing but nonsense, and I will prove it with logical and reliable evidence, so pay close attention:
 It is very reasonable for our minds to believe the idea of ​​the disappearance of paper money or cash, is a normal matter and a future possibility that the mind can believe in, just as the idea of ​​living on planets other than Earth is because nothing has become impossible, especially since what we thought was impossible yesterday has become a reality that we already live today, but the unreasonable  It is a matter of imposing and reducing governments to all their various laws that always call for the comfort of their citizens - in a melting pot of puritanical economic dictatorship.
 * The danger of adhering to paper currencies to national security 

(1) The most important of which is the use of cyber criminals as a means of obtaining ransom after encrypting people's data and using them in illegal activities such as drugs and others.  One example of this is what Aaron Brantley of the West Point Military Academy noticed, when he found two electronic advertisements for the alleged Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, which was discovered to be a terrorist group and that it is using virtual currencies as a hidden means to be able to finance its need, any country that will allow its security to be breached. 
 Nationalist like this!

 * The failure of the experiment to impose virtual currencies in some countries
 If we are afraid of what is expected to happen, what if you know that an epidemic has already failed, as some supporters of the separatist movements in some developed countries such as Scotland did not receive any popular support, as it was launched in Iceland Auroraquin as a means of objecting to the strict government system adopted in the destination  They looked at the paper currency entry, but also this objection did not pay him any attention 

(2), and this indicates that there was no intention of interest in presenting the idea in the first place.
 The problem of dealing with technology

 (3) Is it logical to generalize the use of a currency based on electronic design in societies where many people still do not carry smartphones, even when most of their holders are unaware of how to use them!
 So what if these groups want to save, invest, or 
buy the necessities of daily life? 
Yes, some can employ someone to act on their behalf, but can others? 
 Certainly, it is impossible, in addition to how much time is saved for waste, while the economic fate of countries depends on the second and sometimes part of it.
 So, after this brief presentation, I reassure you, dear reader and user, wherever you are that there is no logic that exceeds your mental logic in believing vague source information that has no way but to raise anxiety, and search for yourself to have a hand in decision-making.

 1- Joshua Barron, Angela O'Mahoni, David Mannheim, and Cynthia Dion-Schwarz: Implications of Virtual Currency on National Security, The Rand Corporation, 2015.
 2- See Taqi al-Din al-Mundhir, “The Training and Charity of Jihad,” Washington Post website, 2015.
 3- Brian Karbs, “The True Farewell”: Using TrueCrypt is Not Safe,, May 14, 2014

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