How to attract customers to your brand using social media?


 Social media has become an important tool for companies large and small alike; To promote the brand and attract potential customers, but nevertheless the dealing strategies in these sites require skill and experience to get the most out of it.

social media

According to the "Arab Technology Gate", many e-marketing experts agree that the best way to use social networking sites to enhance your brand is to focus on answering two questions, namely: How do you start a conversation with the customer? And what can you learn from that conversation? Then use the following strategies:

First: To ask more questions:

In the present, instead of just sharing your thoughts on a topic and hoping your followers will share it with their friends, try asking your followers thoughtful questions, and then when they respond try to keep this conversation going for as long as possible.

By doing this, you can find interesting ideas that you can use later on, as you can take advantage of different and alternative perspectives about your business or product to improve it for the better.

When participants respond to this type of question, it is often stemming from their real-life experiences with the product or service you provide to them, and very often such conversations spark new relationships that you can learn from with the possibility that some of these conversation partners will turn into permanent customers for your product or service.

Second: Use of opinion polls:

Polls allow you to gain insights from your audience, but with additional benefits that most other tools do not provide, for example: If you are suspicious of launching a product that you have stopped launching for a long time, you can poll your audience on this matter while offering them the option. List anything they think is appropriate to add or remove from the product or service that you want to launch again.

Third: Learning from criticism:

One of the best benefits of social media, which is also considered as the most dangerous thing is that anyone can access and criticize your work, whether it is constructive criticism or just criticism for the sake of criticism, and in either case you can benefit from these opinions to help refine your thoughts or change your mind.

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