Are preservatives bad for your health?

We've always heard warnings about artificial preservatives, but what exactly are they? 
 How do you save food and damage our bodies?

 Here are its effects in this article
Preservatives may have revolutionized the food industry, as they are an essential component in maintaining a high level of productivity of various foods.  Here's the evidence that artificial preservatives extend the life of foods and shorten human life
What are industrial preservatives?


 Industrial preservatives are chemicals used to keep food fresh for longer, as they contain antimicrobials and oxidants in addition to other substances that slow down the natural ripening process.

 Despite the presence of natural preservatives such as salt, alcohol, vinegar, and sugar, the food industry deals with toxic chemicals that are actually linked to many diseases and negative health effects.

 The most important health risks of industrial preservatives

 Various preservatives have many effects on the human body, so that studies are still looking all the time at their risk and are working to prevent them from the market.

 1- Increased risk of cancer

 Cancer may be a disease of the age, as it can kill almost all organs of the body, and in fact it is one of the most important diseases that may result from preservatives.

 "Proply Gallate" is one of the toxic preservatives that is usually used to extend the life of some cosmetics and foods that contain fats, but it is also one of the substances that may increase the risk of developing tumors in the brain, thyroid and pancreas.

 Nitrosamines, including nitrates and nitrites, can cause conditions and carcinogens, as they interact with natural stomach acids.  You can find nitrosamine in a wide range of processed foods, such as meat, powdered milk, and more.

 2- Problems of hyperactivity and activity in children

 It appears that hyperactivity and hyperactivity problems in children may also be caused by the degradation of preservatives in their diet.

 Some studies report an increase in hyperactivity in 3-year-olds when they eat foods that contain the preservative sodium benzoate.  While the children recorded a significant decrease in movement as soon as they stopped eating.

 It should be noted here that sodium benzoate is commonly used to preserve acidic foods and drinks, so you can find it in soft drinks, pickles and juices.

 3- Decreased heart health

 The effect of preservatives also threatens your heart health.

 Where research indicates that sodium nitrate may cause blood vessels to narrow, so they become less elastic and stiffer, which threatens the consumer with various heart diseases.

 4- Diabetes

 The Harvard School of Public Health indicates that sodium nitrate can affect the extent to which the body processes sugar, and thus may be responsible for the development of some types of diabetes.

 How do we avoid preservatives?

 In fact, it may be difficult for you to completely cut out preservatives from your diet, as they are now included in almost all food industries, but if you are alert, there is no doubt that you can limit the amount of them you take in.

 Incorporate fresh foods at the expense of stored and dried, include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fresh lean meats, as well as low-fat dairy products, and stay away from stored ready meals, processed meats, and fast food.

 Be smart and responsible for your health and food, and when you buy food, check what is written on the packages and take a stand on buying harmful substances for you, with time you will get used to your new system and enjoy your better health.

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