Watch out your smartphone is stealing your sight


In today's fast moving world, it is impossible to imagine our daily life without smart phones. It was the most successful invention of the twentieth century, a convenient way of communication. Smart phones serve many adorable functions; The ability to give you the option of playing music / audio and video, taking photos using a camera and so many other things. 


Most mobile phones provide Internet access and messaging, and these features are not only useful for people serving the Internet, but also for ordering food, ordering taxis, watching movies, they are useful for almost everything; Check train times, snap quick photos, join family group chats etc.. 

 For some people, however, this range is probable way greater. Many businesses impose on employees to be sat in front of pc screens for 35-40 hours a weekly, even without your own personal use of a mobile phone outside of work hours. While this is considered as an advantage for staying connected with friends and family, but on the other side there using screens for long time has a dangerous consequence specially at the long term.

There are many harmful health effects, which might be caused by the excessive use of smart phones, on this post I am going to talk focus more on the affection caused to our sight.

Effects of Too Much use of Screen on eye

Spending many hours looking at a display screen usually cause an eye strain. We tend to blink less while using screens, and the inner movement of the screen makes our eyes work more difficult to focus. Usually we do not place our screens at an ideal distance or angle, which can cause additional strain. All these problems increase and have a lasting impact on your vision, especially on children.


Potential effects of screen time, include:

Eye fatigue – Your eyes can get tired from intensive use causing diplopia, headaches, and concentration difficulties. Dry and irritated eyes – You tend to blink less when looking at a screen and your eyes can become dry and irritated. you must avoid dry eye because it can impact the health of your eye and cause blurry vision. Loss of focus flexibility, typically loss of focus flexibility happens as we age, but excessive use of screens can impact our ability to regulate our eyes to ascertain in the least distances quickly.

tired eyes

Nearsightedness – Screens is a way to keep our youngsters indoors, which may have a long-term impact on eye health.

In children, natural daylight is essential for developing their eyes. Studies have shown children who spend more time indoors have more possibility of developing myopia.

Retinal damage – Digital devices release blue light, which may reach the inner lining of the rear of your eye (retina).

Studies show that blue light can damage light-sensitive cells within the retina. this will cause early age-related degeneration, which may cause loss of eyesight. 

Studies also proved that children are more likely than adults to experience when exposed to the present high-energy light. In addition, an excessive amount of screen time can have a serious impact on your sleep. Research shows that the blue light alters the brain’s sleep rhythms when smartphone is used directly before bedtime. Our brains think that the light from the screen is daylight, therefore that can affect the body's sleep rhythm.


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