Make 2021 your best year


here are 9 steps to make 2021 your best year

On this post I have tried my best to set the easiest and most important steps for making 2021 to be your best year by practicing these ideas and making them part of your live towards success and improving one’s life style.

1. Write you goals somewhere on notebook, smart phone or anything that you always use to write the important things.
2.devide the goals into daily, weekly and monthly
Planning your days is the actual implementation of the big goals and it is the steps towards achieving the final destination which in this case your year’s goal. For the weekly and monthly goals, you can set that as reading a book or learning new skill, this depends on your time and your commitment to the plan you are going to set.

3. Sleep early and get up early
Sleeping early specially after Isha’s prayer and getting up at six am (Fagr prayer) is the best scheduling for having enough sleep and starting your day early, this will help you accomplish a lot things during your day and will result in motivation you for your next day as well.

4. Keep a regular sleep schedule
Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is important for getting better sleep quality which will help you stay more alert, feel more energized, and improve your productivity levels during the day. If your sleeping schedule is all out of whack when the weekend rolls around, you might want to re-think that and start choosing a regular bed time.

5. Read books
Reading helps keep the mind sharp and improves your knowledge, whether you’re into business or self-development books, I encourage you to try to find the time this year to read more. If you don’t like to read books or you don’t have the time to physically sit down to read, try listening to audiobooks or watch YouTube videos.

6. Limit your time on social media
We waste hours on end everyday scrolling through social media when we can be more productive and get things done. Here is how to limit social media usage.

7. donate or volunteer
Giving donations to poor people has been proved to have positive impact not only to the given people but also the giver. On the other side volunteer work is the best way to build a strong and collaborative character helping the community, supporting the needy people.

8. enroll in online courses
Nowadays specially during covid-19, there are thousands of free online courses with certificates you can pick up the course you want and complete it whenever you want, this will help you get more knowledge, more income and better live in future.

9. Stop impulse buying when you are out
The main reason of impulse buying is temptation, people get attempted by the new and attractive products and they can’t control their feeling when they see things they like, especially women, and to avoid impulse buying, one has to remember that we always buy stuff and later we realize that we don’t need them, as a result buying them without planning or pondering.

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